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Traditional Baby Products.Vasambu Bangles with paal pasi and Natural Non Artificial Bindi for Baby

  • Traditional Baby Products.Vasambu Bangles with paal pasi and Natural Non Artificial Bindi for Baby

    • Model Name:Tamil Traditional Newborn Baby kit
    • Sales Package:The package contains Black Bindi,Vasambu Valayal / Calamus Bracelet,Paal Paasi / White shell necklace.
    • Vasambu Valayal protects the babies from microbes which try to enter into their body. It is not only concerning from evil eye; it also has a medical property which helps to improve their sleep and keep their mind calm.
    • Vasambu helps babies to talk earlier and to get rid of speech problems.
    • Traditional Items for new born baby.This product is made at home with organic and with no chemicals or preservatives. Doesn’t harm eyes like other chemical Bindi